Casino Billionaire, GOP Donor Sheldon Adelson Wants Nuke Attack on Iran

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Jagajeet Chiba
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Casino Billionaire, GOP Donor Sheldon Adelson Wants Nuke Attack on Iran

Aging Las Vegas casino billionaire and one of the biggest donors to the Republican party, Sheldon Adelson, wants to bomb Iran….with a nuclear weapon no less.

This comes at a time when Iran and the US have entered into one-on-one diplomatic talks for the first time in more than 30 years.

But don’t tell that to Adelson.

From the Huffington Post:

In response to my question as to what the United States should do to show Iran that we are serious about preventing them from getting a nuclear device, Sheldon said that an atomic bomb should be detonated in an empty Iranian desert as a warning to the regime of the lengths to which we will go to stop them from obtaining nuclear weapons. The nuclear demonstration in a desert wasteland should "not hurt a soul, except for a few rattlesnakes," but should serve as a shot across their bow.

Asked the next day how earnest Sheldon had been, Ron Reese, his spokesman, said, "As one of the country's most successful entrepreneurs, Mr. Adelson was using hyperbole to make a point that -- based on his nearly seven decade-long experience negotiating business deals -- actions speak louder than words."

Scary comments, nonetheless, from someone who is widely viewed as having significant power within the GOP party.  Adelson reportedly donated millions of dollars to Republican Newt Gingrich when he was a candidate during last year’s Presidential race.

Adelson is one of the few casino power players who has lobbied against legalizing Web gambling in the United States.

Noted poker columnist Nollan Dala had this to say on his blog regarding Adelson's comments:

He’s not joking.

Just what we need, another bloody and costly military conflict and the potential start of World War III, not to mention one of the most immoral crimes in the history of humanity.  Have a nice day.

Let’s put this into some perspective, shall we?  The same hypocrite who makes billions from his gambling yet stonewalls online poker….the same crumudgeon who bankrolled right-winger Newt Gingrinch with $100 million in campaign money the last time out to an embarassing finish in the Republican primaries…..the same sabre-rattling antagonist who is a duel loyalst to another country (Israel) – he’s now giving out foreign policy and military advice.

Excuse me while I try to tune this joker out.  Unfortunately, the rest of the world seems to care what he has to say. 

- Jagajeet Chiba,

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