New England, Seattle Total Touchdowns Super Bowl 49 Prop Bet

Written by:
Ean Lamb
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New England, Seattle Total Touchdowns Super Bowl 49 Prop Bet has your New England and Seattle total touchdowns Super Bowl 49 prop bet.  You can bet the Super Bowl live in-play from your mobile devices on every score as it is about to happen right up to the final minute here.

Zero touchdowns scored in Super Bowl 49 would pay just over $8000 on a $100 bet and $800 on a $10 bet.

One touchdown scored pays $2522 on a $100 bet.

Two touchdowns scored pays $1206 on a $100 bet.

Three touchdowns scored pays $602 on a $100 bet.

The favorites pay pretty good.  Four to Seven touchdowns with four paying $400 on a $100 bet or $40 on a $10 bet, five pays $400 as well and six pays $400 for every $100 bet or $50 for every $10 bet. 7 touchdowns pays $100 more.

A bunch of touchdowns in Super Bowl 49 stands a pretty good chance and, starting with eight touchdowns, the payout would be $700 for every $100 bet or $70 for every $10 bet.

Nine pays just over $1200 for every $100 bet.

Ten or more touchdowns scored in Super Bowl 49 pays $1000 for every $100 bet or $100 for every $10 wagered.

- Ean Lamb,

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